Bin days where I live are once in two weeks. A few weeks ago, I forgot to take the bin out so I used one bin bag for a month. The bag became full by the next bin day. This told me that my boyfriend and I throw a bag of rubbish in a month.
I realised most of the rubbish was plastic. As I am vegan, I thought I was always aware of plastic problems. When I realised how much plastic I use and throw away, I was really disappointed by myself.
Among the plastic rubbish I throw away, I found out that the most of them were packages for breads. I like crumpets so I normally buy packages of 6 crumpets. If my boyfriend and I eat two of them for each for breakfast, we finish a package just 1 and a half day. This means we throw away a plastic package at least every other day.
So, I came up an idea to reduce these plastic rubbish which was baking bread! Recently, I bake rolls whenever I can. Now I am working from home, so I have time to bake rolls at least once a week. This is not enough for environment but I think I manage to reduce plastic rubbish a little. I believe this is better than doing nothing!
Bin days where I live are once in every two weeks. A few weeks ago, I forgot to take the bin out so I used one bin bag for a month. The bag became full by the next bin day. This told me that my boyfriend and I throw a bag of rubbish in a month.
I realised most of the rubbish was plastic. As I am vegan, I thought I was always aware of plastic problems the problem of plastic. When I realised how much plastic I use and throw away, I was really disappointed by in myself.
Among the plastic rubbish I throw away, I found out that the most of them were packages for breads. I like crumpets so I normally buy packages of 6 crumpets. If my boyfriend and I eat two of them for each for breakfast, we finish a package in just 1 and a half day a day and a half. This means we throw away a plastic package at least every other day.
So, I came up an idea to reduce these plastic rubbish our rubbish, which was baking bread! Recently, I bake rolls whenever I can. Now I am working from home, so I have time to bake rolls at least once a week. This is not enough for to save the environment but I think I manage to reduce plastic rubbish a little. I believe this is better than doing nothing!
2週間ごとに1回は ”Once every two weeks"
私は英語日記で、Bin days where I live are once in two weeks. と書きました。
でもネイティブの方からは Bin days where I live are once in every two weeks. の方がよいと添削していただきました。
Once every two weeks も Once in two weeks も「2週間に1回」という意味ではありますが、ネイティブ方にとっては Once every two weeks の方が自然に聞こえるそうです。
Once every two weeks の方が、2週間ごとに1回が何回も連続して続くイメージと説明してくれました。
一方、Once in two weeks は、同じ「2週間に1回」でもその1回が1回こっきりで、連続性があまり感じられないとのことです。
Disappointed in/with 「がっかりする」
「がっかりする」と言いたい時、I am disappointed といいますが、何にがっかりしたのかを言いたいときは、disappointed の後に in もしくは with を使います。
in と with どちらでもいいそうです。
ただ、in は人に、with はモノや事柄に使う人が多いそうです。
I was disappointed in myself. となります。