



















【英語日記】A dog can sense Japanese people?!

A few days ago, I was talking to my friend over the phone while I was walking near my flat. After a while, I was a bit tired of walking so I went to a park and sat down on a bench.


The park had a nice big grass area so some people were taking their dogs to that park. When I was sitting on the bench and still talking to my friend, I saw a dog chasing a ball which its owner throw. The dog cought the ball and ran straight to me to give it to me. The dog owner said to her dog something which I couldn't catch because I was talking on the phone. Then, the dog went to her and she threw the ball again. The dog cought the ball and ran straight to me again. It repeated a few times.


It was funny but the most interesting thing was the dog owner was Japanese and the dog kept bringing the ball to me, who is Japanese, among many people in the park. It was as if the dog could sense Japanese people.



A few days ago, I was talking to my friend over (/on) the phone while I was walking near my flat. After a while, I was a bit tired of walking so I went to a park and sat down on a bench.


The park had a nice big grass grassy area so some people were taking their dogs to that park there. When I was sitting on the bench and still talking to my friend, I saw a dog chasing a ball which its owner throw thrown by its owner. The dog cought caught the ball and ran straight to me to give it to me. The dog owner said somethins to her dog something which I couldn't catch because I was talking on the phone. Then, the dog went to her and she threw the ball again. The dog cought caught the ball and ran straight to me again. It That repeated a few more times.


It was funny but the most interesting thing was the dog owner was Japanese and the dog kept bringing the ball to me, who is also Japanese, among many people in the park. It was as if the dog could sense Japanese people.










On the phone と Over the phone の違い

今まであまり気にしたことがなかった on the phone と over the phone の違い。



I was talking to my friend over (/on) the phone while I was walking near my flat.


私が書いた↑の文、何人かのネイティブに添削してもらうと、over the phone のままでいいという方と、on the phone に直してくれた方がいました。



電話が目的な場合はOn the phone で、電話が手段な場合はOver the phone が一般的に使われます。


I am on the phone right now. は、「私は今電話をかけています」と電話していることが、主にしていることで行動の目的です。


一方、I am ordering pizza over the phone.は、「私は電話でピザを注文しています」というように、「電話で」と電話が手段になっています。



I was talking to my friend over (/on) the phone while I was walking near my flat.





ちなみに、Over the phone と On the phone の違いを説明してくれた方は、Overの方が個人的にはいいと思うとのことでした。

On the phone を使うなら、I was on the phone with my friendと言うかな、とのことでした。


今回の文章ではどちらでもいいそうですが、On the phoneとOver the phone で違いがあったのは新しい学びです。


Which や Whoはあまり使わない?








I saw a dog chasing a ball which its owner throw thrown by its owner.



